Monday, February 23, 2009


I have updated my profile.

While I'm at it, I'm trying out a new name. One that encapsulates all that is me in a short amount of space. Well, maybe not all that is me. But a fun thing with a profile is it is easy to change. For now, I am "Rockbiter". Tomorrow, I will try something new. Like "RacingSnail". Or "Southern Oracle". Then I will leave comments on your blog, and you will think, "Who is this 'Atreyu' who is leaving me comments?" You will click on the profile, see the back of my head, and know me immediately.

"Oh. It's Rockbiter again. Still trying out new names."

(Culminating with "Moon Child" by the end of the movie.)

What prompted the change? Increasing paranoia. Bob the Enemy is out to get me. And not just Bob. It occurred to me that all my disgruntled students are also out there. Reading my blog. Passing judgement. Scaring me. A lot.

So you know from my FAQ's that I'm a researcher-teacher. Both at the same time. It's fun. I get to do all sorts of different jobs at once, so it never gets boring. In the mornings, I put on my researcher hat and write and think. During the days, I put on my teacher hat and teach. I swap it on and off to do things like attend meetings and organize conferences and referee papers and chat with colleagues and give research talks.

But honestly, one part of my job that I do really enjoy is the teaching. My students are very good, and fun, and great people, and I really like spending time with them in the classroom. It's weird, I know, but I do. They make me laugh. In a good way.

But I have wandered from the topic at hand. The topic at hand is "Changes." New profile. New profile name. Even new font color for the title. (Betcha didn't notice that one.)

Anyway, this is Rockbiter, signing out before the Nothing overtakes this post.


Thora said...

At this moment I must ponder why his mother was named Moon Child. Was she born in the seventies? I've never understood this. In the original German is Moon Child a popular name? Better stick with Atreyu or Rockbiter, so my head doesn't explode.

Tiffany said...

Rockbiter is cool. Bob is bad. :)

Mark and Emily said...

Did you recently watch "The Never Ending Story" or something? ;)

Anonymous said...

"Rock biters eat rocks. Bar biters eat bars."

You should read Momo. Good names in that one too.

Letterpress said...

I had to change my screen name for a variety of reasons and it took me ages to come up with something. I admire your ability to generate several plausible-sounding candidates so quickly.


lenalou said...

Excellent. Can't wait for Southern Oracle and Moon Child to show up.