Sunday, March 25, 2018

What I will post

What is really happening in my life:
* I've been second guessing my career progression as I've attended meetings on applying for promotion. I will need to explain why I don't have more PhD students, more citations. I need to find five international experts who can write a letter of recommendation for me, but I feel like my best letter writers are either collaborating with me (conflict of interest) or facing retirement.

* Two different coauthors are writing papers away from me, and I can't find the time during work hours to catch up with what they are doing and contribute my share. I don't want to work over weekends, but it keeps happening.

* The engineering students I am teaching have better intuition than I do, and I keep having to start lectures by apologizing for errors perpetrated in the class notes, or in the last lecture, or my inability to give them good answers to their excellent questions. I'm only being paid for about five hours of teaching per week, but I'm spending far more time than that figuring out where their equations came from, and why, because they ask!

* My church seems to be playing cover up with sexual abuse, at higher levels than imagined. It isn't a surprise, but still horrible. I decided I'm done with church and taking a week off. And then I decided to go because it is easier to go than to find a substitute to play the organ. I am in a rough place with religion right now.

* Taxes.

But I won't post any of that on my blog. 

What I will post about on my blog:
* Grand Prix! We didn't pay for tickets, but we walked across the street to watch the fighter jet doing tricks. Very loud. And fun. This is the more economical way to enjoy the Australian Grand Prix.

* Relay for Life. Jonathan participated in a walk to raise funds for cancer with some good kids in his school.

* Pictures from my coloring book. My coloring book helps me stay calm and happy while I sit through church on Sundays, dealing with my religion issues. Other people don't deal with these issues because they are more calm than I am. So I color to become calm. My current book has an ocean theme.


Clown fish.


See? If I avoid the real things that are bothering me, it isn't so hard to write a blog post after all.


Anonymous said...

Love your coloring! I've never tried it - I sew and make quilts and doll clothes to soothe my mind. Also I grumble a lot while doing those activities. The point is my mind is occupied with something other than the daily grind.

I'm sure you are a great teacher and the kids are just trying to learn what you know.
Deep breath!

Love you,

Anonymous said...

Love you and your honesty. I've been at odds with both teaching and religion for some time now ��