Sunday, September 1, 2013

Report on August

My parents leave in just over a week to spend 18 months as church missionaries in Croatia.  

Yup.  What do you do with your retirement?

There is a language training center here near G.O.D. University, and my parents signed up to take Croatian lessons, all day every day, throughout August.  We welcomed them into our guest bedroom for the first part and the last part of the month.  In the middle of the month, they had to stay with my aunt down the street, because we had a pre-planned family reunion with Tim's family at his cabin.  

The most exciting feature this year at the cabin was the bats!  There was an indoor bat problem.  Bats flew in the chimney every night, and had to be carefully caught and released.  We used the top of a plastic salad container to trap a bat against the wall, then we slid paper under them, and then we tossed them outside.  

The real bat man (TM) came by each morning to try to plug up the bat holes, so that they could live their lives happily away from where we were living our lives.  And each evening he came back at dusk to see if they were still flying out from under the roof of the cabin (they were), and if so, where they were coming from.  The real bat man (TM) drives a white pickup truck (the bat-mobile) and lives in Idaho (Gotham city?).  He has white hair and a bald spot, but he is rather fit for a guy whose grandkids (boy wonder) are old enough to climb the ladders for him to spray foam under the eaves of the house.  

We were back from the cabin on August 8.  On August 9th, Jonathan and I flew to Hartford, Connecticut.  And on August 10, my sister Deb and her two youngest came to pick us up near the airport.  We spent a fun weekend with Deb and her family, and then I took a train to New York City to attend a conference.  Jonathan spent his days at the Eli Whitney museum in a science day camp, and he spent his afternoons and evenings with Deb and her kids, while I was at my conference.  

Oh, and Tim was home in Provo doing boring work.  

The conference ended on August 16, and then Jonathan and I spent another fun weekend in Connecticut.  We went to the beach -- here's my sister and her youngest at the beach:  

And to church, to the local school playground, and just hung out and had a lot of fun.  Here is a picture of Jonathan and his cousins just having fun.

And for future reference, Jonathan really loved the Eli Whitney camp.  It was his favorite camp of the summer.  He built all sorts of cool science toys, which we had to somehow cram into our suitcases to take home.  

On August 19, we flew back home and took the train from the airport to our city.  New feature!  You can now take light rail and train all the way from the airport to my town, and it only takes two hours and $5.50.

But anyway, on August 20, my parents came back to stay at our house to learn Croatian.  

And on August 21, Jonathan started 5th grade.

On August 26, my parents came back to our house to learn even more Croatian, and this time my youngest brother followed them down and also spent the week.  And good times were had by all.  I got to meet my brother's girlfriend Miranda.  We played Settlers of Catan.  And due to lack of a single wheat card, my brother won the game.  I was robbed.  Literally.  

Anyway, it has been a lovely August, and it has been nice seeing so many relations.  And the next time I write, it will be September.  

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