Saturday, October 24, 2009

Strep throat

The title says it all.

Or at least it says a lot.

But I don't want the title to have all the fun, so I'm going to say a lot too.

Jonathan woke up a couple of times last night with a sore throat, so I kept him home today -- in spite of the fact that he was nearly his happy normal self this morning. I say I kept him home, because Tim was willing to let him go if he felt ok after breakfast. But I am the paranoid professor with lots of students with swine flu. Sore throat = home.

Incidentally, it is much much easier to keep a 5 year old home sick than to keep a 2 year old home. Tim and I could both work remotely pretty well while he "played quietly" in his room, which is what we kept sending him off to do. Because he's sick, right? Well, the quietly thing didn't really happen. I do kind of hope he was a little bit bored, because school is way better than home.

Anyway, back to the story.

I got to work as late as possible, since I had a sick child at home. Bumped into the department chair as I walked in and mentioned that Jonathan was ill. He said one of his daughters was also home sick today, with a sore throat, and that the next door neighbors, the Wiggeloo family (names changed to protect the guilty) had strep.

Alarms! Said daughter is in Jonathan's class in school. Said neighbor includes one of Jonathan's best friends, Kimball Wiggeloo (who appeared in a previous post).

Dang. I knew at that moment that Jonathan would have to go in for a throat culture.

So after teaching, I came home, called the doctor's office, and set up an appointment.

Meanwhile, my own throat is feeling a little scratchy....

Maybe I need a throat culture?

Nah. Surely just a cold. Probably what Jonathan has.

After I return home, I find that the boy is marching around the house, designing treasure maps, playing games, and flinging marbles around the family room. I go back to writing grant proposals in the basement, Tim is still working in the office. Occasionally we remind him to "play quietly" in his room, as he is supposed to be sick here.

Doctor appointment is just before 5pm. Jonathan runs in all smiles. No, I tell the nurse, no fever. No headache. No cough. Doesn't hurt to eat. I'm feeling kind of stupid here for even bringing him in. She swabs his throat. He hates that. Leaves. Doctor comes in and shines a light on it. Leaves. Comes back immediately.

Test was positive.

Jonathan suddenly goes quiet.

My throat starts feeling scratchy.

"Um," I ask, "How likely is it that the rest of the family will get strep?"

"Very likely."

"Even the adults? Cause, uh, my throat is hurting a little. Should I get that checked?"

"Yes, you should."

"You couldn't maybe just do it now?"

"Um no."

Anyway, fast forward to 9pm. Jonathan and I are now both on antibiotics. I bought Tim some disinfecting wipes so he can walk around the house disinfecting as he goes. So far, Tim is symptom free.

But wait! You say. What about the wedding tomorrow! Your brother!

Well, around 11pm Tuesday or Wednesday night I had to excuse myself from planning the luncheon anyway. I had been up late writing a grant proposal for the last three nights in a row, and didn't even think about planning until way too late to call around for help. And the grant proposal wasn't nearing the finished stage. And then I remembered I was in charge of grading 900 exams by Monday. And my alarm was set for 5:30 am to get up and do more writing.... I broke down. I couldn't do it. But I think my mother picked up the pieces, so the luncheon will happen after all.

But back to the strep throat story:

My mother is heartbroken, but I don't think we can make it to the wedding with strep. She called my uncle who is a doctor, and he said after a couple of doses of antibiotics, I wouldn't be contagious, so I could make it to the 9am ceremony. But if not, then at least the luncheon. Or the reception?

I don't know, oh readers. I love my brother. But I have strep throat. Jonathan has strep throat. And the wedding stuff is all happening an hour's drive away. Where Jonathan's little cousins are visiting in their Sunday best, all happy and eager to swap Jonathan's germs. I am a loving sister. But I also have to be a responsible parent.

I just don't think I can do a wedding with strep throat.

I can, however, continue to write that miserable grant proposal with strep throat. In fact, here we go again....


Tiffany said...

Sad.I hope you have a miraculous recovery and can attend the wedding!

Mark and Emily said...

Get well soon and kiss my only nephew for me!

Alyssa said...

this post made me feel like my throat might be a little sore . . . hopefully yours felt well enough to attend at least some portion of the festivities today.

Letterpress said...

Go Go Go to the wedding. Don't even think twice, for heaven's sakes! Work it out as you go.