Friday, July 24, 2009


A few days ago, Jonathan told me in the car that he had decided to become a vegetarian.

"Why?" I asked, honestly curious.

"Because I don't want to hurt any animals."

I am the kind of mother who is impressed by this answer. How sweet is that, to have a little boy who is concerned about hurting animals?

However, I am also the kind of mother who is skeptical. After all, this is the son who catches grasshoppers to put them in a jar to die. (I let them out. When I remember.)

"OK," said I. "That sounds like a good idea. But you realize that sometimes we put meat in things like spagetti sauce?"

"Just make mine without meat."

"And you'll have to stop eating chicken nuggets."


"I'll be a vegetarian, except I'll eat chicken nuggets."

Yup. That's what I thought.

No more comments about going vegetarian.

Some of you are thinking, hey, this would be a good opportunity to switch the whole family to a vegetarian diet! I would be fine with that, except that kids with food restrictions have to take their own lunches to school.

If Jonathan ever gets really serious about being a vegetarian, I'm willing to help him out. But he has to be old enough to pack his own lunch. That's where we draw the line.


Alyssa said...

so cute.

Tiffany said...

Oh my. Chicken nuggets are so powerful.

lenalou said...

Ha, I am just catching up on your blog, and this made me laugh, especially as my niece told me the other day that she'd gone vegetarian. The rest of the family told me "yeah, that lasted a whole afternoon."