Saturday, July 11, 2009


In the mid 1970's, Tim's grandfather had both the opportunity and the financial means to purchase some land on the side of a lake near West Yellowstone. He built a cabin there in 1976, and the family has been enjoying the property ever since. We spent last week up there in the cool by the lake, and it was very relaxing. And no internet.

Some highlights: Hours by the lake, several visits to Yellowstone, thunder, lightening, and hail, West Yellowstone fireworks and parade, herds of bison, bug skeletons, and books. I'll post pictures sometime soon, I promise, Emily.

Meanwhile, I left an empty ring box up there on the table in the green room. If one of you happens to see it the next time you're up there, could you bring it back for me? Thanks.

Also, a warning. Jonathan discovered dozens of insect exoskeletons in the snake grass in the marsh. He found them fascinating, so we put them in a cup for him to take home. Alas, we forgot the bug skeletons. Jonathan is ok with that. However, I thought I'd better point out to the next visitor that you may want to check the inside of your cup before pouring yourself a beverage.

Finally, a story.

After a couple days of viewing geysers and mudpots, Jonathan returned to the cabin lake shore and built himself a volcano out of sand. We had to pull him away from it for bedtime.

"It will be there tomorrow," we said.

"No it won't," he said, with tears.

Eventually we did get him down for bed, but at first light the next morning he was up and pounding on our door.

"Can I go down by the lake to see my volcano?"

Tim got dressed and walked down with him. According to Tim's report: The volcano and everything else he and his cousins had dug and built in the sand had completely washed away. The shore was covered with a lot of foam.

Tim handled the situation well.

"Look at all this foam, Jonathan," he said. "Did your volcano do that?"

"Oh yeah! It worked!"



Thora said...

Did your lake start with an H, and have some weird consonant cluster in the middle? Because I think we stayed at the same lake, although we were not in Private cabins, but at an RV and cabin campground. Plus, we went to Yellowstone too. Although I never saw you. Of course, while driving through Yellowstone it kind of felt like the whole free world had emptied itself into the wilderness, so that's not surprising.

Letterpress said...

Sounds like we're all on a vacation of sorts these days--yours sounds divine. No internet. Of course, I read a book for the last few days and took a vacation from mine. Only way to go. I figure I have one more week of freedom before my fun summer ends. After this: Peter's wedding, a drive to Flagstaff to help Barbara pack up, then school stuff, trip to Utah, then school starts on the 17th--way too soon.

I have really enjoyed this summer.

Malcolm Purcell said...

Jessica - I have tons of empty ring boxes if you want one. I know they aren't the "original" - but would still work until you get yours back. Oh, I learned a long time ago that checking inside the glass before filling it is a really good idea wherever you are!

Glad you had a good time and that Jonathans volcano really worked! Good job dad.


Mark and Emily said...

I miss the cabin. I hope we can ALL go up next summer! (Oh, looking forward to those pictures) :)