Tuesday, December 30, 2008

100 random thoughts...

...as fast as I can type.
  1. This is a great idea for a blog post.
  2. It wasn't actually my idea, though. I stole it from Tiffany.
  3. I don't know Tiffany at all, but I read her blog. I think Google recommended it initially.
  4. It's one of the funniest blogs I read.
  5. The free money giveaway, for example, made me laugh out loud.
  6. And I still laugh about it, just thinking about it.
  7. Tiffany doesn't know me, either, but she knows I linked to her money giveaway post.
  8. I stopped typing for a second there to rub a tickle on my neck.
  9. I know you don't care about neck tickles, but these are my random thoughts, so you don't have to care.
  10. I clench my teeth at night.
  11. You don't care about that, either, but it worries me when I wake up with a tired jaw.
  12. I also have mild acne on my chin.
  13. The acne is really frustrating because I thought only teenagers got acne, and that I would have outgrown it by now.
  14. I didn't actually have any acne as a teenager.
  15. My acne arose during pregnancy and never left when it was over.
  16. I think that may be symbolic, but I'll let you figure out why.
  17. I never fought with my mother as a teenager, either.
  18. I remember once feeling quite smug as a teenager that I got along well with my mother.
  19. At about age 20 I stopped getting along with my mother.
  20. Now we fight a lot.
  21. My mom still hasn't figured out that I'm not a teenager.
  22. Maybe it's the acne.
  23. I have stopped thinking random thoughts, just 23 in.
  24. It's true. I've been listening to my thoughts and my most recent ones have been, "OK, what am I thinking now?"
  25. "How about now?"
  26. "Any random thoughts now?"
  27. "Oh, there's a thought! But I'm not going to write that one."
  28. "Nor that one. Too embarrassing."
  29. "Oh, and there's another thought, but it's too incriminating."
  30. I suppose you can call this meta-thinking.
  31. Wow. 100 really is quite a chore.
  32. I put a comment on Tiffany's blog that I would copy her idea, but I'd just start and then stop when I ran out of thoughts.
  33. And then modify the title of my blog post.
  34. I still leave myself that option, but I can't give up now only 33 in.
  35. My hands are very dry.
  36. I use a lot of lotion.
  37. My feet are also dry.
  38. I have had to start putting lotion on my feet.
  39. Is that kind of weird?
  40. Hand lotion on feet somehow seems weird.
  41. Speaking of weird, I just got an email from someone who must be very weird.
  42. I can't tell you why I think that, because it was a work email, and I still worry about Bob the Enemy.
  43. But I think this guy who sent the work email must be totally insane.
  44. Well, maybe not totally insane.
  45. Maybe just clueless.
  46. Clueless is not the same as insane.
  47. I, for example, am clueless in many ways.
  48. Not yet insane.
  49. At least I don't think I'm insane.
  50. How would I know if I were insane?
  51. Is there some sort of test you can take?
  52. Who defines insane, anyway?
  53. Are you either insane or not, or are there shades of gray along the way?
  54. Maybe there are various kingdoms of insane.
  55. Perhaps my behavior merits placement into the Telestial kingdom of insanity.
  56. If I perfected my insanity I would end up in the Celestial kingdom of insanity.
  57. That's where those who are truly committed to their insanity end up.
  58. Like my mother.
  59. Ha ha, mom. Just kidding.
  60. Although I can't think of anyone more committed. (Ha ha still kidding.)
  61. Except possibly Bob the Enemy.
  62. A few people I know in real life asked me about Bob, and if I would reveal his secret identity.
  63. Truth is, Bob is an imaginary enemy.
  64. Some people have imaginary friends, but I have an imaginary enemy.
  65. He helps to keep my blog in line, though.
  66. And I do think he's really out there, he just hasn't found my blog yet.
  67. But it's only a matter of time, and then he can peruse all the archives.
  68. So things need to stay clean and prepared for the moment that Bob arrives on this blog.
  69. Bob is truly committed to insanity.
  70. Does having an imaginary enemy bump you up an insanity kingdom, do you think?
  71. What if your imaginary enemy has a name and a pot belly and you talk to him regularly in your blog?
  72. That's surely got to count for something.
  73. Maybe I'm Terrestrial kingdom of insanity material after all.
  74. Nearly three fourths of the way there now.
  75. Writing 100 random thoughts is actually quite a chore.
  76. Is reading it a chore for you, too?
  77. Is anyone still reading?
  78. I was still reading by 78 on Tiffany's post, but that's because she is totally crazy funny.
  79. Whereas my random thoughts come out a bit psychotic.
  80. New thought topic: I think I am going to miss color during the winter.
  81. The snow has turned the outdoor world into black and white and grays.
  82. There is very bright white (snow) and very dark black (asphalt), and all sorts of kingdoms of grays in the middle (telestial, terrestrial, ...)
  83. While I am missing color, I will also miss having soft toes during the winter.
  84. I don't like having to use lotion on my toes.
  85. I believe that cracked toes must be a winter thing, along with cold toes.
  86. I got new slippers for Christmas.
  87. Now my dry cracked toes are snuggly warm.
  88. We actually have a humidifier.
  89. I don't know how it works.
  90. Tim said he set it.
  91. I don't know what he set it to.
  92. I should go see.
  93. Except I've only got seven more random thoughts to go.
  94. I can easily do seven more.
  95. Five more now.
  96. Yes! Counting what's left makes the numbers tick off quickly.
  97. It would be really good to end with a really nice final 100th thought, as a reward for making it this far.
  98. Here it comes.
  99. Get ready.
  100. This is what I'm thinking: "Isn't there a nice 100th thought in that brain somewhere?" Probably not.
OK. Back to work.


Tiffany said...

First of all, thanks for the shout-out. I'm thrilled that you found my blog, because then I got to find yours! Anyway, I love your list. We have a surprising amount in common--I also clench my teeth while I sleep and I never had acne until I had a baby. (Although I've been using Proactiv Solution successfully for years now.)

I love the idea of Bob the Enemy.

I am fascinated with your job and how you ended up where you are. (I also want to know what you're teaching and if you know my favorite professor, Louise Plummer.)

I can also sympathize with being a Mormon working mom. I could write volumes on all the ways it has left me exasperated, judged by my peers, and (believe it or not) mentally healthier. I'd love to hear more from you on the subject!

Glad you made it to 100. I enjoyed every one.

Letterpress said...

Loved it. Glad you made it. I always love reading your blog, even if it has random posts.

Happy Old Year Ending.