Wednesday, October 8, 2008

A non-goal of mine

My brother Bryan surprised us with a phone call Saturday afternoon. He had flown into our area to run a marathon, remembered when it was all over that we lived here, and wondered if he could come visit and spend the night.

Sure! we said, and meant it. (It wouldn't be family if we had advanced notice. Or at least it wouldn't be my family.)

So around 6:00pm, Bryan hobbled into our house, limped over into the kitchen, and eased himself into a chair. He could barely walk. For some reason, after a 26 mile run -- in the rain, mind you -- his legs were sore sore sore.

I think Bryan ran his first marathon when he was in high school. Since then, two other brothers have run marathons. Back when I was in high school, I thought running a marathon sounded like a really cool thing to be able to tell other people that I had done once. For a while, it was on my list of things I thought I might someday like to do. My goal list, if you will.

I took it off a long long time ago.

The people I know who run marathons have more than sore legs. Most of them also work through pretty serious injuries. My siblings have had knee trouble. My friend had a stress fracture. Plus, after Bryan's second marathon, he crossed the finish line and then puked. Even if I don't get injured, I am still not so keen on doing something that makes me puke. On purpose. For fun. Fun?

However, I am happy to have family come and visit after they have run their marathons. It helps to remind me of why I keep certain items on my non-goal list.

Non-goal #1: No marathons.

Congratulations, Bryan, on finishing again. Thanks for coming to visit.


Letterpress said...

Oh wow. You have just revolutionized my life. A Non-Goal List. I can wrap my brain around that one--and I'd have to say I'd have two itmes right off: running a marathan and bungie-jumping.
BTW, talked to my sister. There's a nursery school at your workplace--did you know that?

Letterpress said...

Okay. It's "items." It's "marathon."

I no how to spill. Rilly.


Artax said...

Bungie jumping is on my non-goal list too! And yup, we have our boy enrolled in the 2.5 hour preschool 4 days a week and we love it. Just had to fill in those other six and eight hour days.... Can't blame my workplace -- only myself for not being home baking cookies.

Bryan said...

It was nice seeing you too. Sorry for the lack of advanced notice on my visit.