Sunday, January 1, 2023

Happy New Year 2023

Last night, on New Year's Eve, Jonathan and I stayed out late. We caught the 9:30pm fireworks, and then the midnight fireworks, with dancing in the park in between. 

Melbourne shoots fireworks off of the tall buildings in the city: over 30 buildings this year. They also shoot them from a few parks around the city. We camped out in one of those parks in the early evening, and met three of Jonathan's friends, each with a parent. It was warm, so we picked a spot with lots of shade -- 

-- which was great for the evening, but not as great for the fireworks. We had to move to see the city skyline at midnight. 

In between, there was some live music, the early fireworks for the families, and then DJ Tanya in her sparkly suit led us in dancing.

People were pretty into it this year. Meaning Jonathan was a super energetic all night dancer. 

There was also a laser show.

The insects congregated under the spotlights. Good time to break out the insect spray. 

And then midnight fireworks. Happy 2023!

And where, you ask, was Tim this year? He's in the US, with tickets to the Rose Bowl in a couple of days. Happy alternative New Year Party, Tim, in a few hours. 

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