Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Day 0

Yesterday was our last day at work/school for an indefinite amount of time.

Goodbye for now, ordinary day. Some photos to remember you by.


Walk to the train station part 1.

Walk to the train station, part 2.

Walk to the train station, part 3.

Train station.

On the platform.

On the train.

Watching the city fly by.

Hopping off.

Shuttle bus.

Arrival on campus.

Jonathan off to his school.

And I turn right towards my building.

Along the Rainforest Walk.

Monash University art, GCF and maths buildings.

Enter from the geology rock garden.

My lovely office, with its math books...

... walls of whiteboards...

Big window.
I will miss you, ordinary day, usual space.

But today, I'd rather be here at home.

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