Sunday, June 3, 2018

Hamster wheel

I'm home again... for a short time. The hope is that within the week, I'll be able to write two grant proposals for conference funding, sit through two student PhD mid-candidature reviews, meet with students a couple of times and get them going on their next projects for the time I'm away, consult with the rest of the selection committee for an award panel I currently chair, start the ball rolling on a major conference I'll be organising in two years, meet two visitors, host two talks, hold consultation hours for the unit I taught, attend one high school event, one church event, one social event, write my weekly research notice for the department, fix a proof, catch up on a collaborative paper, respond to email, print papers to review for in-flight reading, reserve a hotel, revise five talks, and hold my family close.

And maybe write a blog post for the internets.

Instead, I just finished sitting on the couch in front of the heater reading a novel about a working mother who was trying to do too much at the same time, and it all fell apart, and she ended up taking a nice vacation in Ireland.

Ah Ireland.

I'm not actually that keen to visit Ireland. It takes too long to get there from here. But a nice vacation somewhere not so far away sounds very nice. Counting down the days....

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