Friday, January 16, 2015

Lessons from stake conference

Twice a year, several of the local church congregations get together for a meeting called "stake conference," which name I wish referred to something having to do with vampire slaying, but the "stake" just refers to a big tent, and alas, we don't even really get the tent these days. Stake conference just means we spend two hours listening to people talk.

One of our speakers was a woman who spoke about trials. One of the biggest trials in her life, she said to us, her voice bordering on tears, was trying to home school her eight children.



The people in the congregations who attend my stake conference consist of people who all live within a couple of miles of me. And this woman was from one of these congregations, in my neighborhood. And the schools in my neighborhood are great, with opportunities that this woman will never ever ever be able to give her kids at home, like language immersion and AP classes. What a waste of a trial to stress out about something as pointless as teaching kids at home when the local schools are good and the teachers strong. Why in the world would you home school your kids when it is so hard and there are such good people who would teach them better than you can? Why why why?

And then, before I got too judgey judgey (well, ok, after), I realized that my own hardest "trials" right now are also completely self-inflicted and must seem stupid to many of my peers.

Reader, I have a continuing, very secure job that pays very well and a beautiful home in this nice neighborhood with good schools.

But I am moving.

There. I said it publicly.

I do not want to work for G.O.D. University anymore. I feel like a hypocrite working for them. They are a very conservative religious institution, and I have opinions that do not match theirs. And lately, there has been a culture of oppression and fear amongst the natives. I have strong opinions, opinions that I am mostly good at keeping to myself. But sometimes the morally correct thing to do is to share the light and knowledge you have found. I do not want my opinions on something irrelevant (beards?) to get me in trouble with my job. So I'm leaving. I have taken a job somewhere else, where my opinions and questions and concerns on religion are irrelevant.

(And also where the ghost of Lucy Walker won't keep me up at night. But you will have to learn about Lucy on your own.)

One of the reasons I've been traveling so much is that I've had job interviews. And one of the reasons I've been sick is that I've been stressed out. Crazy stressed out up late at night heart pounding crying stressed out.

But we've made a decision -- the craziest decision we possibly could have made -- and it is a good decision and a happy decision and I will post it here soon for those of you who haven't already heard it.

The lady who home schools has reasons to home school that are very important to her, I am sure. And the lady who uproots her whole family from a very good job has very good reasons, too. Or at least reasons that are important to her, even though they may seem pretty stupid to others. And stupid to you. They are stupid reasons. But that doesn't make them any less important to me.

So there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The important thing is that you all made the decision and can move on happily. Life is constantly changing for better or worse, and it's how you handle it that makes the difference. We'll all miss you, of course, but we'll all work it out.
Love you