Sunday, March 21, 2021


I think that life sucks. 

No really. I think that life really really sucks. And sucks is a word that personally offends my mother, more so than nearly any other word that escaped my lips as a child, so I do not use it lightly. 

(In retrospect, I should have played with harder words in my childhood. So many lost opportunities.)

Life sucks.

When a person is religious, a person can put that on God. Life sucks, but God is Good. There will be justice for the wicked, when God hears the blood of the slain crying out from the dust. And then one can walk away from the suckage, and put one's head back into the sand of one's existence, and manage to continue living through the horror that is humanity.

When a person is not religious, the blood of the slain cries out continually from the earth, and God does nothing. And the suckage, the pure unadulterated injustice of it all, can get overwhelming. 

And yet, looking around, I find that we are all stuck on this rock, spiraling around an inconsequential star, in a rather ordinary galaxy, somewhere not in the middle, not on the edge, but just towards the unimportant back left side of the vastness of a universe. And though we pour all our wickedness into the task of keeping the spark of life going on, in the end the effect is the same. The star will fade, the galaxy swirl into oblivion, and we are dust.

And therein is justice.

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