Saturday, September 26, 2020

Panick! A poem.

A lump of panick is curdling

There. Inside the curve of my stomach.

Puddled above my intestines.

No Fear! I shall Breathe it out!

Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale.

Release the muscles holding up the eyebrows. 

In. Out. In. Out.

Unclench the jaw. 

In. Hoo. In. Hoo. 

Swirl the air through the cheekbones

Cooling the base of the brain.

(Is it gone?)

[It's Still There!]


In! Out! In! Out!

Smooth the puckering under the eyes.

Send the ribs Up. Down. Up. Down.

Cool the brainpan. 

[[It's Still There!]]

HUSH! Out! HUSH! Out!

Eyebrows Apart!

Jaw slack!

Brain -- COOL IT!

Breathe! OUT! Breathe! OUT!


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