Saturday, December 14, 2019

This boy

This boy. 

Thoughtful and polite. Smarter than you realise behind that sweet smile.

Case in point:

The scene: High school awards ceremony.

Every single subject offered in the entire school gives a subject award to a student. The head teachers of each discipline come up to announce. English teachers. Maths teachers. Science teachers. Language teachers. No awards for Jonathan. What no French language honorees at all?

Tim leans over. "Do you think Jonathan feels bad that he isn't getting any of these awards?"

"No," I whisper back. "He's getting a more general award later." We knew that. That's why we came.

Then the principal stands. "And now I will award the students who received two subject awards."

Ah. There was a French award. And more maths and science awards.

And now the students who received three awards.

"And now could one young lady stand? She received four subject awards!" We all applaud. She sits down.

"And now could Jonathan please stand? This young man received six subject awards." The audience gasps. English (year 10), science (year 10), maths (year 10), maths (year 11), physics (year 11), French (year 12).

AND the overall award we came for. AND a principal's all-rounder award.

Hugs after the ceremony. Basking in the glow of being this boy's parents.

"Hey," he says. "Did you know each award comes with a gift card? I just earned a ton of money!"

Any suggestions on how a teenager should spend $400 at the university bookstore?


Anonymous said...

Wowza! Congrats J and congrats to the two of you! Quite the honors.

Anonymous said...

Just WOW! Congrats - he must get his smarts from his grandparents! Ha!Ha!Ha!


Anonymous said...

That is AWESOME! Congratulations!