Wednesday, September 26, 2018


Our heater broke.

When it first broke, we were having some really nice warm spring-like weather, so it wasn't a very big deal. Sure it was a little chilly in the mornings, but the day warmed up nicely and we didn't even notice the fact that the heater wasn't coming on.

And then it got cold again.

All last week, temperatures hovered just above 10 for the high, near 3 for the low. The living room grew colder and colder.

First we built a kotatsu: we put a couple of chairs around a space heater, draped a large blanket over the whole thing, and sat with our legs under the blanket. That was cozy enough for watching a football game in the living room.

But then it got colder.

My face and fingers were frozen at the dining room table.

We moved into the smallest room in the house, the office, closed all the doors, and cranked up the space heater. After a few hours, it was warm in there. We left to go fix dinner, and froze! All meals moved into the office. All leisure activities in the office. The chairs weren't so comfy, but the alternative was too cold.

Today the heater repairman came by and finally fixed the heater.

Since he left, the heater has been cranking non-stop, for hours, trying to get the apartment back up to 18 degrees.

Ironically, tomorrow the forecast is a high of 23.

Hopefully we fixed the heater just in time not to need it again until April.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! I thought it was cold when it was working! Glad you got it fixed though.

How is DJ doing in France? Send a few pictures.

Love you