For me, I am in the middle of exam weeks. Exams take three weeks at my university. After classes end, there is a week of nothing: No classes, no exams. And then there are three weeks of exams, two exams per day. And for the academic staff like me, there is grading. Except it isn't called grading here. It's called marking. The other universities where I have worked required the instructors to grade their own classes. Here, first year classes can be assigned to postgraduate students (called "graduate students" elsewhere). But second and third year classes, especially large ones, are carved up into bits and marked by continuing staff only.
This semester, I was assigned three units to mark: one large second year course, my own small third year course, and one new unit for masters students. I spent a large part of Tuesday and Wednesday finishing the second year course and starting on the masters course.
Then Thursday I woke up with the stomach flu, and spent the day moving between the cold bathroom floor, crouched over the toilet, and my bed, aching under the blankets.
Friday I was able to cut out the crouching over the toilet part, and just stay in bed. But now I am way behind on the marking. Monday, Tuesday will be solid marking. Great.
All things considered, marking is preferable to the stomach flu.
Jonathan has been growing. For him, growing has pretty much become a full time thing. He is as tall as Tim, maybe taller. He has grown about half an inch in the last month. And maybe four inches in the last six months. He probably has stretch marks from growing so fast. If you watch him for an hour or so, you can almost see his height creeping up and up and up.
All that growing has not unbalanced him too much, I guess. He is mastering double jumps in figure skating.
A week ago Saturday, he baked something for a cake sale to fund a youth camp at the end of the year. He made a chocolate sponge roll with chocolate cream filling. Although he sold off the cake, he had to cut off the end to make it look pretty. He ate one end, and he gave one to me. And it was so good. Just the right mix of sweet and bitter chocolate. Perfect texture. So good. He hasn't made more yet.
He also won a new tee shirt from a mathematics competition. And a calendar with a new math challenge for every day of the year. In French. And he made it to the semifinals of a French computer programming competition. He makes his parents proud. Except since it is in French, we can't really follow......
And Tim. What about Tim? Well, Tim works from home. I was home, too, all day Thursday and Friday, and therefore I had the perfect opportunity to see Tim at work all day. As far as I can tell, he stays in his office all day. Although he could have been in the living room and I wouldn't really have known. He was definitely not puking with me on the bathroom floor. Nor was he huddled under the blankets in bed.
All things considered, his work is probably better than the stomach flu.
So that's what we have been up to: marking, puking, sleeping, growing, baking, working. Now please excuse me while I go look for the bottom of my Facebook feed.