Monday, May 9, 2016

Last primary mothers day

Australia celebrates mothers day in May, just like the US. Yesterday in church we had the usual mothers day events, with primary children coming to the front of the room to sing.

My child was the tallest. That's because he's the oldest. That's because he is aging out of the primary program... today. It was his last time going up to the front to sing.


He complained so bitterly about going up.

"Why do I have to go? It's so embarrassing. I'm too old for it."

But he went. He stood there on the right side, taller than all the other children, and at first he at least tried to mouth the words with everyone else, but by the second verse was just standing there looking uncomfortable.

I did that myself in a primary program when I was his age, and so I empathize with him -- while simultaneously feeling completely justified in sending him up.

I remember his very first time singing in primary on a mothers day, because I wrote about it, back when I was a new blogger. It was a memorable event, with singing and flowers and little boy cuteness:
That was in 2008, when the little boy was three. And now he has turned from 11 to 12. Eight years is all we get, mothers. Just eight years with the little ones singing in mothers day programs. I know in my head that eight years goes quickly, but the speed of these past eight years boggles my mind. If these eight years have passed so fast, it means the next eight will be even faster, and so on and so on, and I am old. Hunched over and hobbling, with jowls and double chins and deep droopy bags under my eyes. Sitting in a room that smells like urine, but I can't smell it, fussing over my food, wishing that the great-grandchildren would visit, but not for too long because they are wild and might knock over my tacky glass stuff.

Well whatever. I guess I'll take it.

Happy 12, little guy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Again - Happy Birthday, JD.

Time does fly by soooooo fast - although my jowls aren't hitting the table yet!