Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Moving again

We only had a one month adventure in Melbourne this time. And the month is nearly over. In another day we fly across the Pacific, and then across the North American continent, to settle all over again in a new place.

In this new place, which we will call "New Jersey," Jonathan will start school on Tuesday, just after Labor day. He is enrolled (with two L's, because it's New Jersey) in seventh grade there already, at least online, but we need to show up on Friday with all sorts of documentation to prove that he is a child, that he lives with us, that we live where we say we live, and that we floss. Daily.

And so we get to start over figuring out where to shop and how to travel and who to like and when to continue the flossing. (Morning or evening?)

And on this end, we need to pack up those eight suitcases again, and figure out how to get them to the airport tomorrow. And then we need to clean the house we've been staying in, and wash and put away all the dishes, and wash the sheets and towels. And store some things in my office for four months.

Here we go again!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Quite the adventures ahead!!