Monday, May 28, 2012


The week after Jonathan's birthday, I was away at a conference in the south of France.  The setting was spectacular:

The above photo was taken about a 40 minute walk from the conference center.  I didn't take the picture, because I didn't bring a camera.  I tried to take a picture using my tablet, but it didn't work.  So I stole these off the internet instead.

You see why I haven't been blogging?

(To be fair, the conference center itself was actually not so spectacular.  Mid-sized auditorium, large window looking out into a lot of trees.  But the view from 40 minutes away was spectacular.)

1 comment:

Letterpress said...

Dave's been getting a lot of advertisements in his email for "destination conferences," but really, in the end they all are mid-sized auditoriums aren't they?