Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy New Year!

I have had several topics on my mind recently to discuss with you, oh Reader.  But alas, each one, rather than forming a meaningful blog post on its own, is worth at most a paragraph of words and scintillating thought.  So I shall here present a collection of thoughts with which to begin the year 2012.

Thought 1.  This morning, while examining all the ornaments on the Christmas tree, knowing it was time to pack them away for another eleven months, I remembered the year 2004, in which we put up the tree with its lights, but then, exhausted, stopped.  The ornaments stayed in their boxes.  The baby that was Jonathan didn't realize that he was being shafted of the full Christmas tree experience.  He still loved to sit and rock in front of the pretty lights.  And come January?  We had the best year ever for Christmas clean up.  I did suggest we try this again early in December of 2011, but I was labeled a Scrooge.

Thought 2.  I'm kind of feeling like I should start Jonathan in piano lessons.  I think it's important for him to learn to play an instrument, and piano is an easy default that would actually be useful to him throughout his life, especially if he stays in our particular religious community.  But I dread taking him to and from lessons, making sure he practices, adding another item to get frustrated over to our daily routine.  The boy is casually interested, nothing more.  But he is at a good age for starting.  Is this a fight worth having?

Thought 3.  New Year's resolutions.  You remember, Reader, that I made my New Year's Resolutions right after Thanksgiving, rather than waiting until the traditional January 1st.  I resolved to be kind, beautiful, and productive.  A little over one month in, I am thinking I shall declare myself successful and move on to new resolutions.  This time, I would like to make the kind of resolutions that I am guaranteed to keep, so I can feel happy as I tick them off.  In 2012, I resolve to take down the Christmas ornaments from 2011.  That's a good one.  I resolve to floss, continuing in a tradition of flossing that stretches back to the previous century.  I resolve to keep my room clean, to practice good hygiene, to kiss my family often, to write here when I feel like it, and to ignore this blog when I don't.  These are all healthy resolutions that I resolve to keep.

Thought 4.  I have decided to get a tablet for personal use.  Then I shall no longer have to carry around movies and books or a 5 pound laptop when I travel.  Plus, I can download material for personal use without having to store it on my work computer where someone might find it and question my taste.  I like having questionable taste.  I have picked the very particular tablet, down to the color, after reading about sizes and weights and battery life and functionality and, of course, consulting with my personal IT guy (Tim).  I have also found where I can purchase my chosen tablet for the best deal.  I have saved up my money and I am ready to have this tablet here on my lap rather than this heavy computer.  Unfortunately, my tablet is sold out everywhere and currently unavailable.  This means I shall have to be patient, or buy a lesser model.  Patience???!!!

I will close with those thoughts.  If you think I should be thinking others, you may add those in the comments, and I will consider them.  Thank you.  Come again.

1 comment:

Letterpress said...

Loved this. I think in short bites these days. #1: I think the best decorating (and un-decorating) is the kind you can get done in 2 hours on a Saturday morning. Obviously this gives you a clue to my age. #2. Absolutely. Fight worth having for as long as you can stand it.
#3 Hear! Hear! (I hate New Year's Resolutions and NEVER make them.) #4 Hey--tell us the type of tablet--inquiring minds want to know.

Thanks for your attaboys on my recent blog posts. I appreciate them a lot.