Saturday, December 12, 2009

Chinese Christmas tree

We put our Christmas tree up last weekend. It's a huge, heavy fake tree made of fabric and wire. It's actually quite nice looking. On the box, it says it was made in China. Every year I wonder about those Chinese workers who assembled my Christmas tree and what they were thinking as they carefully wrapped all that wire. There is a brown wrap followed by the green wrap followed by the imitation needles. All that work. They must think we are really bizarre.

They are right.

For the first year ever, Jonathan was excited about decorating -- from the beginning to the end. His interest held through two big boxes of ornaments.

We found an ornament he had made when he was three, with a scary looking picture of his face cut from a photograph and glued onto a tile. Since that one was heavy, he hung it down low under the tree.

Then we found a teddy bear ornament. Jonathan thought the disembodied head would like a teddy bear to cuddle, so he hung it next to the face down there on the bottom.

A little while later, we encountered a sled. The disembodied head, apparently, might have fun sledding. So the sled ornament ended up down there on the bottom.

And then eventually we found a glittery carrot ornament. The disembodied head might like a carrot to munch on, so as not to get too hungry down there under the tree.

After an hour or so of decorating, we had a somewhat lopsided tree with a shrine to the disembodied head down at the bottom.

I would offer a picture, but then I'd have to kill 1000 words, and since they're already written....


Malcolm Purcell said...

Ah - when children decorate the tree. Cherish the memories!

Grandma who's been there

Letterpress said...

I thought you were going to comment on the real Chinese Christmas tree, hacked down out of the Washington Botannical Gardens this past week. Some nitwit took a chain saw to a valuable specimen in the gardens to haul home for their holidays.

Your post was just as entertaining.