Saturday, October 24, 2020

New job

I took on a new job. 

Kind of. 

I said I would take on a new job, when the semester ended. 

When the semester ends, I'll be in charge of researchy stuff across science. I will need to sign off on grant applications, promotion applications, and come up with initiatives to improve research in science in my university. 

It's a big job. I didn't think I could do it on top of a fully online semester, teaching a new class, with an additional five research students meeting with me one on one weekly. While organising national seminars. And chairing the women in maths group in the country. 

So I asked to please start in mid-November. 


Mid-October rolled around. The previous guy in the position had to move into a new position. He agreed to try to wear two hats until I could officially take over. 

Turns out it is difficult to wear two hats. 

While not yet really having the new job, the number of meetings I have had to attend -- by zoom -- has already doubled. The old guy can't approve grants coming out of biology anymore -- conflict due to his new position. So they'll bounce to me, the person who doesn't really know what is going on. 

But I'll figure it out. 

I am excited for mid-November. I think it will be a fun job. Of course, my budget has been decimated due to pandemic. But maybe that means I can't screw up too badly.